I.T.S. Flavour Trends 2021

Probably the most important flavour trends forecast you’ll ever read. There has never been a more important time to get updated with flavour trends.

After a turbulent year in the food and drink industry, 2020 has left people looking for hope and growth in 2021. As experts in natural flavourings, we work closely with many sectors in food and beverage to make sure we know what flavours are trending.

Our team have been busy researching which flavours will be big this year and the flavours that will help you stand out from the crowd.

Trend 1) Back to Basics

We aren’t out of the woods yet. Before you go racing ahead looking for the next big thing, review your range and ensure your core flavours are strong. We’re talking all the classics – chocolate, strawberry, lemon, blueberry – you know, the big sellers.

Retailers are still going to be tight on product lines and consumers shopping times will still be reduced, so your core range remains your most important flavours. This doesn’t mean you should stand still, get out there and start benchmarking against other flavours. Make sure yours is the best.

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Trend 2) Summer Flavours

We may have lost summer 2020, but we are going to make damn sure summer 2021 isn’t one to forget. Christmas is over, Easter is up in the air, but Summer 2021 is the one to aim for.

By summer, if all goes well, the world should be starting to open up again and it’ll be the time for your new flavours and products to shine. This one isn’t complicated – fruity flavours, refreshing flavours, cocktail flavours, flavours that remind people of their holidays and escapism, you’ve got this.

The key strategy should be to keep your head down and focus on your core flavours, but be busy developing ready for a big summer 2021. Watch out for a whole load of new beverage launches in 2021, we know as we’re being briefed already.

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Trend 3) Sensation Flavours

Now this one’s fun. Not just adding new flavours to your products, but sensations. What’s a sensation you ask? Well, it’s anything that adds an extra bit of ‘zing’ to a product. It could be heat, cooling, tingling, bitterness – anything that can add more depth and excitement.

With Limited Edition products looking to be a big hit this year due to brands still being uncertain and more ability to sell direct to consumer, Sensation Flavours could be the ideal flavour for a limited edition run.

Our top tip is to combine with one of our trends for last year, Fantasy Flavours. Last year Fantasy Flavours really took a hold on the market, now combine that with a Sensation Flavour and you could be onto something.

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Trend 4) Citrus 2.0

One of our favourites and always relevant is Citrus. We’re sure this should just be included in Flavour Trend reports every year as it’s always popular.

This year it takes extra relevance as it will play a big part in the Summer Flavours trend. Also, we’re not talking any old citrus flavours, we’re talking Citrus 2.0 – forget orange, lemon and lime, things are getting interesting in Citrus.

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Trend 5) Asian Aspirations

It’s back! Yes, Asian flavours were on our flavour report last year. Along with just about every other flavour house, we shouted this from the rooftops, why? Because of the Olympics of course, and then it got cancelled. Well, the Olympics will still happen and so will this flavour trend.

So, dust off those old notebooks from last year and start revisiting your Asian flavour ideas and get going.

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Trend 6) A Braver Flavour

Go on, be brave, we dare you. Now is the time to stand out and try something different, something braver.

Yes, you should focus on core flavours. Yes, you should focus on summer – but, there is still time to be brave. Brave flavours will help take consumers on a journey of escapism.

Whilst everyone is focusing on core flavours and retailers begin to get more faith back in experimenting, the opportunity for A Braver Flavour really opens up. What better time to be brave and stand out when everyone else is doing the same thing?

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There you have it – that’s what flavour trends will be big this year. To find out more and how these flavours can work with your products get in touch to arrange a flavour trends workshop with our team.