Are Allergens Driving You Nuts?

Exploring how flavourings can help solve one of food and drink manufacturers biggest headaches.

Allergens are one of the biggest nightmares for food and drink manufacturers. However, it’s a bigger nightmare if you suffer from one of these allergens. You may have heard about the large companies who have been caught out with it before and it can easily lead to devastating consequences if you get it wrong.

Allergens are a bigger problem than you think

Allergens are estimated to affect 1 in 25 of the UK population. Although 20-30% of people perceive themselves to have an intolerance or an allergy. That’s a big deal. For starters you don’t want to isolate a large number of the population from your products, and also this group of people don’t want to miss out on some of the tasty flavours that allergens might have.

Now then, what are these allergens we’re talking about? You’re probably aware of most of the big ones – nuts, milk, wheat and egg. There are also things like sesame, celery and mustard that are also incredibly dangerous to people with allergies.

Allergen-free food and drink is simple to achieve

So, how can you have an allergen-free site and produce products that still taste of nuts or milk? It’s easy, the answer is flavours.

Our team of flavourists have worked hard to develop a range of allergen-free natural flavourings that can make sure no one misses out on the tasty flavours that allergens would normally bring.

Flavours are the perfect option for use in development. Certain cuisines rely heavily on some of these allergens, for example, a lot of Asian cooking relies on sesame seeds or sesame oil to give the amazing taste that their cuisine is known for. If you have a sesame allergy you have to be careful with this cuisine.

NPD teams are always given projects to create allergen-free products but asked to still deliver that recognisable taste that the allergen provides. However, they never taste quite the same – we can say that from experience.

Make your life easier with flavours instead of allergens

Not only is it a pain for development but also for manufacturing. Manufacturers need to have different lines/sites for allergen containing products and allergen-free products, all of which cost a great deal of time and money to set up and maintain.

A great way to simplify your existing manufacturing process is to use flavours, which eliminates this hurdle. No designated allergen storage, intense deep cleaning after each run or extra lines are needed. You’ll also be opening up your products to a much wider audience and keeping everyone happy – what’s not to like?

If you’ve come across any of the problems above then why not try some of our flavours. You never know, it could be the answer you’ve been waiting for all this time.

Take a look below and request a sample of our favourite natural allergen-free flavours:

• Peanut Flavouring
• Hazelnut Flavouring
• Almond Flavouring
• Pistachio Flavouring
• Walnut Flavouring
• Celery Flavouring
• Sesame Flavouring
• Milk Flavouring
• Cream Flavouring
• Butter Flavouring

Get in touch to request a sample or to find out our full range of allergen-free flavours.