Braver Beverage Flavour Trends for 2024

Beverage flavours to get your taste buds bubbling with excitement.

Are you on the look out for the next big flavour in the beverage sector? Or maybe you just want to discover the most popular flavours in drinks?

The I.T.S. team have crunched the numbers and put together a flavour trend snapshot for the beverage sector. We’ve been tracking product launches from every corner of the beverage category – even products from across the pond in the USA. 

Why are beverage flavour trends so important?

It’s not hard to figure out why keeping tabs on the beverage flavour launches is so important. If there is one sector that constantly pushes things forward it would be beverage. Whatever area of food and drink you might be interested in – you need to keep an eye on what the latest smoothie or energy drinks flavours are. 

You’ve been living under a rock if you haven’t seen weird and wonderful drink brand flavours taking over the bakery and dairy category. 

Orange is the most popular flavour in beverages.

Our data tracking product launches showed that orange was the most popular flavour across all areas of beverage. Driven by the high consumer confidence, health connotations and new exciting variations e.g. blood orange. 

If you’re looking for a flavour for a new beverage range, or evaluating your core range of products, you simply cannot lose with orange. 

Prickly pear is the fastest-growing flavour in new drink product launches.

Here is one for those of you looking for a braver flavour. Prickly pear shows huge growth across the beverage category over the last 5 years. It doesn’t sound like much, but it sure does pack a punch of flavour. 

Do you want to learn more about prickly pear flavour? Or maybe you want to know just exactly how popular orange is? Click here to read our full flavour trend snapshot of the beverage category.

The flavour trend report gives you heaps more flavours that you need to be on the lookout for – make sure you don’t miss out.