I.T.S. To Become Carbon Negative

To celebrate World Earth Day we are proudly announcing our plans to become a carbon negative flavouring supplier.

Put simply, we are looking to remove more CO2 emissions than we put into the atmosphere.

We recognise the responsibility we have to help preserve the planet. We also recognise the great efforts many of our customers put into helping with the sustainability of our planet.

The food and beverage industry plays a huge role globally in the high levels of pollution – it’s time that companies started to make a bigger impact in preserving the planet for generations to come.

Mike Bagshaw, Owner and Founder of I.T.S. explains “It’s something we are very passionate about and we’ve been looking at doing for a while. But the truth is we don’t have time to wait, action needs to be taken. We are looking forward to offering our customers flavourings that help save the planet when we become carbon negative.”

We will initially put plans in place to operate as carbon neutral and then move to a carbon-negative operation.

More information and exciting sustainable projects are in the pipeline – keep an eye out.