Flavour Focus: Cherry Blossom

We give you the low down on why you should be trying Cherry Blossom.

Now, we know what you’re thinking – Cherry Blossom is the flavour of spring and we’re in August. Well, we are never ones to play by the rules and we think Cherry Blossom is so tasty it works equally well beneath the sun’s rays of summer as it does in blossoming spring.

Widely recognised as Japan’s national flower, Cherry Blossom offers both a floral and fruity scent which works perfectly for refreshing summer products. It’s a subtle flavour profile which still manages to hold its own when paired with other flavours.

Cherry Blossom has one of those unique flavour profiles that brings together many different sectors and applications due to its versatility. Refreshing drinks, light ice creams or innovative bakery – Cherry Blossom is a great flavour no matter what sector you work in.

It’s also a flavour that ticks multiple flavour trend boxes, with both Eastern flavours and the popularity of floral. You’ve probably seen Cherry Blossom in many big brand launches over the last year. Coca Cola, Häagen-Dazs, Nestle and Starbucks have all jumped on board with this appealing, colourful and tasty trend.

It’s certainly a flavour you need to at least try out, so get in touch and request your free sample of our Cherry Blossom natural flavouring. Available in both liquid and powder flavouring.